The following guidelines have been adapted from Machaelle Small Wright’s book. As a result of extensive work with nature spirits, she discovered that any expansion (growth of any kind) can cause disharmony in the energy system which can in turn cause physical illness. When seeking a way to remedy this, she began working with the Great White Brotherhood, a highly evolved council of Ascended Masters to find alternative ways to heal. The Medical Assistance Program (MAP) uses the medical arm of the Great White Brotherhood to help balance disharmony within the body. In addition to this, MAP works with nature, a very specific energy force in itself. It utilises two aspects of this, a nature spirit and the Deva of Healing. The inclusion of nature allows the Great White Brotherhood to access your energy system by bridging the gap between you and them. As change is universal (and accelerated on the ascension path), MAP healing is a very important resource for anybody at any time. MAP works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to give you healing.
The MAP process call in four separate energies.
1 The Great Overlighting Deva of Healing – this is the force that creates the physical structure for healing the human body.
2 Pan – who is the nature spirit that oversees and coordinates the nature spirits, who implements healing. Pan is the only nature spirit that can go anywhere and is universal.
3 The Medical Assistance Team – the medical wing of the Great White Brotherhood. Each person will have their own unique team which may have additional members added as and when needed.
4 Your own Higher Self – which holds the divine blueprint of you.